زمان جاری : شنبه 16 تیر 1403 - 6:21 بعد از ظهر
نام کاربری : پسورد : یا عضویت | رمز عبور را فراموش کردم

سلام مهمان گرامي؛
مهمان گرامي، براي مشاهده تالار با امکانات کامل ميبايست از طريق ايــن ليـــنک ثبت نام کنيد

آیا میدانید؟ ایا میدانید :

تعداد بازدید 94
نویسنده پیام
medusa آفلاین

ارسال‌ها : 123
عضویت: 22 /5 /1391
سن: 17
شناسه یاهو: javad1404@ymail.com
تشکرها : 24
تشکر شده : 33
کد پاپ آپ به صورت جاوا اسکریپت

این بار یه کد پیدا کردم واسه ساختن صفحه ی پاپ آپ تا دوستان دیگه خواستن از این کد جاوا اسکریپت استفاده کنند که با اولین کلیک صفحه نمایش داده میشه .

در همه جا به جای http://yoursite.com آدرس مورد نظرتونو بزارید .


var ClientGeoCode = 'IR';

var PopCID = '496bb997-bbde-4de4-8905-ceef91fc6c97';

var OfferID = '1504';

var PoolID = '378';

var PublisherID = '40039';

var PopMethod = 1;

var PopFocus = 0;

var PopCountries = 'IR';

var PopURL = 'http://yoursite.com';

var PopURLs = 'http://yoursite.com';

var PopTimeOut = 1*60*1000;

var PopTimer = 0;

var PopFreq = 2;

var PopWidth = 1024;

var PopHeight = 768;

var PopTargetingMethod = 100;

var PopUseDivLayer = 1;

var RTSDomain = "http://yoursite.com" //Do no include trailing slash

var debugTracking = false;

var debugDomain = "http://yoursite.com"

var LayerDisableFollow = false;

var LayerDelay = 1;

var LayerTop = 100;

var LayerLeft = 250;

var LayerExpandSpeed = 8;

var LayerRetractSpeed = 8;

var LayerRetractDelay = 15;

var Page_Popped = false;

var Page2_Popped = false;

var Page_Loaded = false;

var Page_Enter;

var Session_Guid;

var MySiteDomain=window.location.href.split('/');

MySiteDomain.length = 3;

MySiteDomain = MySiteDomain.join('/');

// Init the session guid for tracking

Session_Guid = guid();

// Prepare the popup code

if (CheckCountry() && (RetrieveCount() < PopFreq))


  //TrackEvent(1, "Load and RTS Go ahead"); // 1 = Script Load & RTS go ahead event.

  // Add an unload handler


  // Add a load handler


  // Init the popup code



function CheckCountry()


  if (PopTargetingMethod === -100)


      return CheckCountryExclusion();


  else if (PopTargetingMethod === 100)


      return CheckCountryInclusion();



function CheckCountryInclusion()


  var countries = PopCountries.split(',');

  for(var y=0; y<countries.length; y++)


      if (ClientGeoCode.toUpperCase() == countries[y].toUpperCase())

          return true


  if (PopCountries.length == 0)

      return true;

  return false;


function CheckCountryExclusion()


  var countries = PopCountries.split(',');

  for(var y=0; y<countries.length; y++)


      if (ClientGeoCode.toUpperCase() == countries[y].toUpperCase())

          return false;


  if (PopCountries.length == 0)

      return false;

  return true;


function InitPop()


  // Init timestamp when the site loads

  Page_Enter=new Date();



      case 1: // Click Pop

          if (window.captureEvents)








      case 2: // Timed Pop

          if (PopTimer == 0)

              LoadStandardPop(); // Load popup instantly


              setTimeout("LoadStandardPop()", PopTimer*1000);




function SiteEnter()


  Page_Loaded = true;


function SiteExit()


  // Load site exit pop if the poptype is specified

  if (PopMethod == 3)


      var time_dif;

      var Page_Exit=new Date();



      if (time_dif <= PopTimer || PopTimer == 0)






function createCookie(name, value, days)


if (days) {

  var date = new Date();


  var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();


else var expires = "";

document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";


function readCookie(name)


var ca = document.cookie.split(';');

var nameEQ = name + "=";

for(var i=0; i < ca.length; i++) {

  var c = ca;

  while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); //delete spaces

  if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);


return null;


function RetrieveCount()


  var cookieName = 'PC1';

  var popSuccesses = readCookie(cookieName);

  if (popSuccesses != null)

      popSuccesses = parseInt(popSuccesses);


      popSuccesses = 0;

  return popSuccesses;


function IncrementCount()


  var cookieName = 'PC1';

  var popSuccesses = readCookie(cookieName);

  if (popSuccesses != null)

      createCookie(cookieName, parseInt(popSuccesses) + 1, 1);


      createCookie(cookieName, 1, 1);


function XBrowserAddHandlerPops(target,eventName,handlerName) {

if ( target.addEventListener ) {

  target.addEventListener(eventName, function(e){target[handlerName](e);}, false);

} else if ( target.attachEvent ) {

  target.attachEvent("on" + eventName, function(e){target[handlerName](e);});

} else {

  var originalHandler = target["on" + eventName];

  if ( originalHandler ) {

    target["on" + eventName] = function(e){originalHandler(e);target[handlerName](e);};

  } else {

    target["on" + eventName] = target[handlerName];




function S4()


 return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);


function guid()


 return (S4()+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+"-"+S4()+S4()+S4());


function TrackEvent(eventType, desc)


  if (eventType > 2 && debugTracking)


      scriptURL = debugDomain + "/poptrack.aspx?t=" + eventType + "&d=" + desc + "&random=" + Math.floor(89999999*Math.random()+10000000);

      e = document.createElement("script");

      e.type = "text/javascript";

      e.src= scriptURL;





      scriptURL = RTSDomain + "/r.poptracking?pcid=" + PopCID + "&event=" + eventType + "&random=" + Math.floor(89999999*Math.random()+10000000);

      e = document.createElement("script");

      e.type = "text/javascript";

      e.src= scriptURL;


      if (debugTracking)


          scriptURL = debugDomain + "/poptrack.aspx?t=" + eventType + "&d=" + desc + "&random=" + Math.floor(89999999*Math.random()+10000000);

          e = document.createElement("script");

          e.type = "text/javascript";

          e.src= scriptURL;





function LoadStandardPop()


  // Don't allow the pop to run if it was already done so

  if (Page_Popped == true)


  // Track the pop attempt

  //TrackEvent(2, "Pop Attempt"); // Standard Pop Attempt Event

  var pLoaded = false;



  var pxLeft = 0;

  var pxTop = 0;

  if (screen.width > 0 && screen.height > 0)


      pxLeft = (screen.width / 2) - (PopWidth / 2);

      pxTop = (screen.height / 2) - (PopHeight / 2) - 50;

      if (pxLeft < 0) pxLeft = 0;

      if (pxTop < 0) pxTop = 0;


  pLoaded=open(PopURL,'9388101982','toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,location=1,statusbar=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,top=' + pxTop + ',left=' + pxLeft + ',width=' + PopWidth + ',height=' + PopHeight);


  if (pLoaded)


      // Make the popup show either in front or behind the page

      if (PopFocus == 0)





      // We don't want to pop again on the same pop load.

      Page_Popped = true;

      // Increment the successfull pop count cookie


      // Track successfull pop impression event

      //TrackEvent(5, "Script Success"); // Pop Success Event




      // Popup failed. Don't need to keep trying

      Page_Popped = true;

      // Only init the ad layer if the page has loaded or add load handler for it

      if (Page_Loaded)






function LoadSecondPop()


  // Don't allow the pop to run if it was already done so

  if (Page2_Popped == true)


  // Track the pop attempt

  //TrackEvent(2, "Pop Attempt"); // Standard Pop Attempt Event

  var pLoaded = false;



  var pxLeft = 0;

  var pxTop = 0;

  if (screen.width > 0 && screen.height > 0)


      pxLeft = (screen.width / 2) - (PopWidth / 2);

      pxTop = (screen.height / 2) - (PopHeight / 2) - 50;

      if (pxLeft < 0) pxLeft = 0;

      if (pxTop < 0) pxTop = 0;


  pLoaded=open(PopURLs,'9388101982','toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,location=1,statusbar=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,top=' + pxTop + ',left=' + pxLeft + ',width=' + PopWidth + ',height=' + PopHeight);

  if (pLoaded)


      // Make the popup show either in front or behind the page

      if (PopFocus == 0)





      // We don't want to pop again on the same pop load.

      Page2_Popped = true;

      // Increment the successfull pop count cookie


      // Track successfull pop impression event

      //TrackEvent(5, "Script Success"); // Pop Success Event




      // Popup failed. Don't need to keep trying

      Page2_Popped = true;

      // Only init the ad layer if the page has loaded or add load handler for it

      if (Page_Loaded)






function initAdLayer()


  // Track the attempt to load the layer

  //TrackEvent(6, "Script Layer Success"); // Layer attempt event

  // Disabled because RTS does not currently handle this

  if (PopUseDivLayer === 0) return;

  // New Feature Added. Default is 0

  if (typeof LayerRetractDelay == "undefined" || LayerRetractDelay == "")


      LayerRetractDelay = 0;


  // Run the ad code

  setTimeout("createAdLayer();", (LayerDelay * 1000));


function createAdLayer()


  // Creating elements

  var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body");

  var adLayer = document.createElement('div');

  // Height of the header line

  var headerHeight = 18;

  // Set the layer attributes

  adLayer.id = "_adLayer_000";

  adLayer.style.zIndex = 99999;

  adLayer.style.height = PopHeight + "px";

  adLayer.style.width =  PopWidth + "px";

  adLayer.style.left = (PopWidth * -1) + "px";

  adLayer.style.top = LayerTop + "px";

  adLayer.style.background = "white";

  adLayer.style.position = "absolute";

  adLayer.innerHTML += "<div style='z-index:99999;height:" + headerHeight + "px;width:" + PopWidth + "px;background:#a7a7a7;text-align:right;'>[<b><a href='#' style='color:#FFFFFF' onclick='retractAdLayer(null);return false;'>Close Window</a></b>] </div>";

  adLayer.innerHTML += "<iframe src='" + LayerURL + "' width='" + PopWidth + "' height='" + (PopHeight-headerHeight) + "' frameborder='0' scrolling='auto'></iframe>";

  // Append the layer into the body


  // Expand the ad layer



function expandAdLayer(adLayer)


  // Keep the ad positioned within the viewable window

  adLayer.style.top = getScrollTop() + LayerTop + "px";

  // Set the variables for use in the movement

  var elementPos = adLayer.offsetLeft;

  var expandSpeed = LayerExpandSpeed * 10;

  var addAmount = elementPos + expandSpeed;

  var destPos = LayerLeft;

  // Determine to increment or not

  if (addAmount < destPos)


      adLayer.style.left = addAmount + "px";

      setTimeout(function() { expandAdLayer(adLayer); }, 25);




      // Track the success event for the layer

      //TrackEvent(6, "Script Layer Success"); // Layer success event

      adLayer.style.left = destPos + "px";

      LayerDisableFollow= false;

      setTimeout(function() { adLayerFollow(adLayer); }, 50);

      if (LayerRetractDelay > 0)


          setTimeout(function() { retractAdLayer(adLayer); }, (LayerRetractDelay*1000));




function retractAdLayer(adLayer)


  if (adLayer == null)

      adLayer = document.getElementById("_adLayer_000");

  // Set the variables for use in the movement

  var elementPos = adLayer.offsetLeft;

  var retractSpeed = LayerRetractSpeed * 10;

  var addAmount = elementPos - retractSpeed;

  var destPos = PopWidth * -1;

  // Determine to increment or not

  if (addAmount > destPos)


      adLayer.style.left = addAmount + "px";

      setTimeout(function() { retractAdLayer(adLayer); }, 25);




      adLayer.style.left = destPos + "px";

      LayerDisableFollow= true;

      // Remove the content inside the ad layer

      adLayer.innerHTML = "";



function adLayerFollow(adLayer)


  if (LayerDisableFollow)


  // Keep the ad positioned within the viewable window

  adLayer.style.top = getScrollTop() + LayerTop + "px";

  setTimeout(function() { adLayerFollow(adLayer); }, 50);


function getScrollTop()


  // Browser compatible scroll bar location method

  var scrollY = 0;

  if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)

      scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop;

  else if (document.body && document.body.scrollTop)

      scrollY = document.body.scrollTop;

  return scrollY;


function getScrollLeft()


  // Browser compatible scroll bar location method

  var scrollX = 0;

  if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft)

      scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;

  else if (document.body && document.body.scrollLeft)

      scrollX = document.body.scrollLeft;

  return scrollX;



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نِقابَت را بردار....
بگذار صورتت هوایی بخورد....!
یکشنبه 05 شهریور 1391 - 01:11
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